Supplementary files for: Petrology of the Skaergaard Layered Series

Version 2.0
Supplementary files for: Petrology of the Skaergaard Layered Series
Thy, Peter; Tegner, Christian; Lesher, Charles E., 2023, "Supplementary files for: Petrology of the Skaergaard Layered Series",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
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Files S1, S2, S3, S4, S8 and S9 are published here under a standard CC-BY 4.0 licence ( permitting free redistribution and reproduction for any purpose, even commercial, provided proper citation of the original work. Copyright: the Author(s) of the associated paper, Peter Thy, Christian Tegner and Charles E Lesher. The maps displayed in Files S5, S6 and S7 have custom terms of use and various copyright holders. Further re-use of the maps displayed in these files requires permission from the sources (copyright holders) listed in those files.
The maps displayed in Files S5, S6 and S7 have custom terms of use and various copyright holders. Further re-use of the maps displayed in these files requires permission from the sources (copyright holders) listed in those files.
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The authors have permission to publish the following files here as part of supplementary material to their monograph. Permission to further re-use the original files should be sort from the copyright holders as provided here and in Files S5, S6, S7 and S8:

File S5-1: The rights to the 1930-1953 Wager sample locality map belong to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. The map is part of their Lawrence Rickard Wager Collection (M.113). Used here with permission from Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

File S5-2: The McBirney Skaergaard sample locality map is shown with permission from the A.R. McBirney estate and family. The original map is now at the American Museum of Natural History in New York as part of their A.R. McBirney Skaergaard sample collection.

File S6-1: The Wager and Deer geological map is here shown by permission of the Wager family. The map was originally published in the series Meddelelser om Grønland in 1939 (Volume 105, Number 4) and reprinted in 1962. The Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen released in 2010 a facsimile edition of Wager and Deer’s original monograph (the 1962 reprint edition) that contained a size reduced and grey scale copy of the original geological map.

File S6-2: The rights to the 1961 W.A. Deer map of the Skaergaard intrusion belong to the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge. It is part of their W.A. Deer Archives (DEER DDF Archive 219c). Available here with their permission.

File S6-3: The 1967 Geological Map of the Skaergaard Intrusion was included as Plate XI (facing page 244) in Layered Igneous Rocks published in 1967 by W.H. Freeman and Company in San Francisco. The same book and map, also authored by L.R. Wager and G.M. Brown, was in 1968 published by Oliver & Boyd of Edinburgh. Both publishers have today ceased to operate and their titles were taken over, respectively, by McMillian Education and Longman-Pearson. However, the copyright to the text of the book and the geological map is retained the authors and their descendants. The geological map is here shown by permission of the Wager family.

File S6-4: The McBirney Skaergaard map (1989 edition) is shown with permission from the A.R. McBirney estate and family.

File S7-1: GI 1937 topographic map (1:250 000). The original file and map metadata is available from “Historiske Kort” at provided by the Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure (SDFI) in Denmark. A summary of this map is included in this set of Supplementary Files under a CC-BY-4.0 license according to the guidelines for free geographical data at (and in Danish only). The responsible agency for permission for further re-use of this material is SDFI. Map ID from Historiske Kort: Kangerdlugssuaq G250_68_o3_1937.jpg 1937

File S7-2: GI 1969 topographic map (1:250 000) This map is published online at “Historiske Kort” at provided by the Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure (SDFI) in Denmark. A link to this map is included in this set of Supplementary Files under a CC-BY-4.0 license according to the guidelines for free geographical data at (and in Danish only). The responsible agency for access and permission for further re-use of this material is SDFI. Map ID: Kangerdlugssuaq G250_68_o3_1969.jpg 1969

File S7-3: GI 1975 Skaergaard Topographic Map (1:20 000). Map file is published online at The Greenland Mineral Resources Portal and available to download here:

File S7-4: GI 1982 topographic map (1:250 000). A version of this map (1.1.1) is published online at “Historiske Kort” at provided by the Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure (SDFI) in Denmark. A link to this map is included in this set of Supplementary Files under a CC-BY-4.0 license according to the guidelines for free geographical data at (and in Danish only). The responsible agency for access and permission for further re-use of this material is SDFI. Map ID: Kangerdlugssuaq G250_68_o3_111.jpg 1982

Files S8: A collection of 66 aerial photographs available with the authors. Copyright is held by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.
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