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51 to 60 of 158 Results
Fixed Field Text Data - 74.0 KB - MD5: 4c4b60aa6648e6f3256cbe444ea54310
Fixed Field Text Data - 74.0 KB - MD5: 1c731c2a6fce6c5a1a1db79175a93a22
Fixed Field Text Data - 74.0 KB - MD5: 686b797034c519c191ec243d1e82871b
Fixed Field Text Data - 74.0 KB - MD5: 0eaf754e6200338e543b274ef25a54c6
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 232.1 KB - MD5: 067f1721d2e3af68314a35bbea2f46c7
In v. 1.5 well tops have been updated for several wells. Missing wells have been added (Frida-1, Francisca-1, G-1X).
ZIP Archive - 127.0 MB - MD5: d42916569a132b8dc698d7b039a9c138
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 228.0 KB - MD5: 8c1899dd70870eb5fe1e3afd61a5680c
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