151 to 155 of 155 Results
Jun 15, 2022 -
Bathymetry and Residual Bathymetry
Network Common Data Form - 146.5 MB -
MD5: b98e828c6c70c60f8b6d9f6a53e54ea9
netcdf gridded file of residual bathymetry with geographic x-y coordinates. Datum: WGS84 |
Jun 15, 2022 -
Bathymetry and Residual Bathymetry
Co-Ordinate Animation - 36.4 MB -
MD5: 40aeace2a3a8b13057857ce1b0d0e7ba
XYZ ascii grid of residual bathymetry in geographic x-y coordinates. Datum: WGS84 |
Jun 15, 2022 -
Bathymetry and Residual Bathymetry
Network Common Data Form - 5.9 MB -
MD5: fa62ef42700bc906fd0ad5ea31b73e7f
netcdf gridded file of residual bathymetry in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 -
Bathymetry and Residual Bathymetry
Co-Ordinate Animation - 35.7 MB -
MD5: 2dd3326f0542425e26eaf84b8b222d2a
XYZ ascii grid of residual bathymetry in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84 |
Unknown - 595.2 KB -
MD5: 29b3a1feb5ac55211ee3bb23a911400f