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61 to 70 of 1,074 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 36.7 KB - MD5: 7a9d3d142d7959e5a28ff6e0584bbac2
Sdr. Vium: CA-derived estimations for precipitation and temperatures based generated by Sofie Lindstrom, based on the data published by Larsson et al. 2006 and 2011
JPEG Image - 33.1 MB - MD5: ab254d023ff7f234e70b14f0f451e7f9
Photo by S. Rysgaard, AU.
JPEG Image - 26.5 MB - MD5: ce54552e276a6038e3de6f2824a7ad29
Photo by S. Rysgaard, AU.
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 52.4 KB - MD5: bb2d2d0ddec321d57065af6dc02feb5b
Error estimates for extents of ice-marginal lakes as estimated from satellite data.
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 131.0 KB - MD5: 7015392e993bf66e09b0f625404ad907
Extent of ice-marginal lakes as estimated from satellite data.
Unknown - 32.8 KB - MD5: e5411e63e3a323d7a99dc315f381ddeb
Measurements acquired April 2010 by Mortensen et al.
Sep 6, 2024 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Voutchkova, Denitza D; Thomsen, Charlotte T; Claes, Niels; Olsen, Lars A; Thorling, Lærke; Pjetursson, Bjarni; Hansen, Birgitte, 2024, "Supplementary files for: Open access nationwide data sets for drinking water hardness at public waterworks and their water supply areas in Denmark",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Three spatiotemporal data sets of drinking water hardness in Denmark (version 1) are presented here: (1) annual drinking water hardness at public waterworks (1905–2023); (2) annual drinking water hardness at their water supply areas (1978–2023) and (3) the latest drinking water h...
MS Word - 637.9 KB - MD5: dc974a794294d526c2c8e1af6ce54cb2
Contains: Table S1: Conversion table for the field names (columns) in the datasets used here to the format used in PC Jupiter XL Fig. S1: Cumulative distribution functions for Ca, Mg, and total hardness (reported to Jupiter) before and after outlier removal. Fig. S2: Example of t...
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