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13,971 to 13,980 of 16,178 Results
Comma Separated Values - 665 B - MD5: 6fc1d433105daa53514a7b5cc9a78fd6
Header description
Comma Separated Values - 11.5 MB - MD5: a11c5d63558af193fc26d96e91b1c723
The unfiltered data, should be used with caution.
Comma Separated Values - 17.1 MB - MD5: 6c9c3f7b189a1ed381752ba8cde00f58
See separate file: header_description.csv for a description of header names and units
Comma Separated Values - 17.1 MB - MD5: 40b3b2ee1a936f51cc9bfe16c52a0fa4
NEAD header format.
Comma Separated Values - 17.5 MB - MD5: 630c672f273b0ad117fc524e10f6fda2
The unfiltered data, should be used with caution.
Comma Separated Values - 12.8 MB - MD5: e75247ee33d4ac23d31d876bc81e9961
See separate file: header_description.csv for a description of header names and units
Comma Separated Values - 12.8 MB - MD5: 66efac21e638f5b0685eec74188dd51b
NEAD header format.
Comma Separated Values - 14.5 MB - MD5: cbd5721e5a2607e10bc30c44ebd810a0
The unfiltered data, should be used with caution.
Oct 12, 2023 - Water resources
Troldborg, Lars, 2023, "dkms_gs3d_fohm",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
FOHM interpretation points and hydrostratigrafiske layers covering Sjælland and Sydhavsøerne
Oct 12, 2023 - dkms_gs3d_fohm
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 186.0 MB - MD5: 21fb689d4b8e36903bb9c6e4c0315f80
Zipped dataset with interpretation data (.mdb and .shp) and topological corrected hydrostratigraphic grids (.asc)
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