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1,751 to 1,760 of 2,236 Results
Unknown - 55.8 KB - MD5: ff192fd9b8c48016af4ed7be12269f78
Shapefile of heat flow measurement database in EPSG:3413 projection.
Unknown - 11.2 KB - MD5: 015f10a85346baec3fa9dbaa93b6a83b
Inventory of Greenland hots springs compiled by Hjartarson and Armannsson (2010)
Unknown - 1.5 KB - MD5: 663ff94936026a2bbd654a9e394f6ab5
Code sample: subglacial temperature extrapolation and heat flow calculation (Devon72)
Unknown - 20.1 KB - MD5: 41c81a0deb150434b6c35b4435914451
Lake core CN and stable isotope data NOW25c
Unknown - 26.3 KB - MD5: cbab642431084ff64e5772fc2eb07dcf
Diatom species composition data (counts) for the lake core NOW25c
Unknown - 18.8 KB - MD5: 13dc0ae5c22949eb59976b95038c17f1
Diatom data for the marine sediment core records AMD15_Casq1 (absolute abundance and fluxes). Fig. 4.
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