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16,901 to 16,910 of 17,079 Results
Network Common Data Form - 11.0 MB - MD5: 19b39925fdae0a492498dca959a0ec1f
netcdf gridded file of depth to basement in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Co-Ordinate Animation - 68.0 MB - MD5: 5e7390a5cdee03f21052f9a6439bb1f9
XYZ ascii grid of depth to basement in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Network Common Data Form - 78.8 MB - MD5: ce7dbc54d8574b87ba94b67e57a068b0
netcdf gridded file of depth to Moho in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Co-Ordinate Animation - 80.6 MB - MD5: 37ab67fe099776af3a40a70866c2d16a
XYZ ascii grid of depth to Moho in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Network Common Data Form - 12.7 MB - MD5: 8b100bd284156d73d3aa885a75b2ebec
netcdf gridded file of depth to Moho in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Co-Ordinate Animation - 81.2 MB - MD5: 90b5730ac8070710a3ad4259ce116092
XYZ ascii grid of depth to Moho in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Total Sediment Thickness
Network Common Data Form - 62.7 MB - MD5: 10d36104bcf2921f30f01acce6c84ac2
netcdf gridded file of the total sediment thickness in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Total Sediment Thickness
Co-Ordinate Animation - 69.1 MB - MD5: cdc6d053a64f104f486a776cd7da7458
XYZ ascii grid of the total sediment thickness in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Total Sediment Thickness
Network Common Data Form - 11.3 MB - MD5: 3c08a23f486b8ae03de7074ed588e6d3
netcdf gridded file of the total sediment thickness in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Jun 15, 2022 - Total Sediment Thickness
Co-Ordinate Animation - 69.9 MB - MD5: d9439e4d4a8241122002ad88f995621d
XYZ ascii grid of the total sediment thickness in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
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