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16,891 to 16,900 of 17,079 Results
Tab-Separated Values - 352 B - MD5: b1d7e8782889aaf05db23d67949289c4
Fixed Field Text Data - 276.8 KB - MD5: 86f77b4d77b750c629eb6f24ffdf2536
Tab-Separated Values - 262 B - MD5: 5d0eaf88ab7e1064cb2118199b3d6e3c
Tab-Separated Values - 420 B - MD5: 035cb173be938c14da98a01b383c3656
Network Common Data Form - 70.2 MB - MD5: 0cc0bc27c48846e9cec395c45d2decde
netcdf gridded file of crystalline crustal thickness in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Co-Ordinate Animation - 68.4 MB - MD5: dfb57605c18da11a0b6db204afc7750c
XYZ ascii grid of crystalline crustal thickness in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Network Common Data Form - 11.0 MB - MD5: 20e5a2ba05d6be3e21b63c4fd6066bf7
netcdf gridded file of crystalline crustal thickness in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Co-Ordinate Animation - 68.0 MB - MD5: 5dc6d03ab23ab3f1527286e8639c74b7
XYZ ascii grid of crystalline crustal thickness in the original projection coordinates used by the project. Lambert Conic Conformal: central meridian - 40°W, standard parallels - 55°N, 75°N. Datum: WGS84
Network Common Data Form - 70.2 MB - MD5: 66307ab212b94ecac7ffc53818f4cfeb
netcdf gridded file of depth to basement in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
Co-Ordinate Animation - 67.6 MB - MD5: 64ececcb23c37c3baf7ad08a304fc855
XYZ ascii grid of depth to basement in geographic coordinates. Datum: WGS84
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