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Plain Text - 36.6 KB - MD5: 21030845909adf187fc892e21821c2a4
Code share for Generalised Additive Model Analyses Supplementary Figures 7-15
Plain Text - 2.3 KB - MD5: dca3620e30f0df685409c8c446b8b964
Sample code for the Monte Carlo and Principle Component Analyses of the sediment records.
Plain Text - 5.1 KB - MD5: cb7d676f736f033e33e263c7fe93079a
Loss On Ignition data for the lake core NOW25c Fig3
Plain Text - 30.2 MB - MD5: 5b306d1a80ef9a6f9c1f0c7e6a206fe5
Plain Text - 5.1 MB - MD5: 1ab684e36151a19b0153d979457a03da
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