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2,221 to 2,230 of 2,236 Results
Unknown - 97.0 MB - MD5: 58fbf9eda9017f1874b2ed3f0d89179c
Unknown - 21.2 MB - MD5: efa901300dfdc475eb41fe0785ba19c9
Unknown - 21.2 MB - MD5: c61804176032ffbfeed75e6380d4214f
Unknown - 326.4 KB - MD5: cc48108b8c0329129c958fd617ecfb78
Supplementary file S1: Contains supplementary figure 1 showing loss function plots for the applied modelling experiments.
Unknown - 88.0 KB - MD5: 9e6a3621f79f2045c5e079efff400fdf
Table S1: Macrofossil analyses.
Unknown - 32.0 KB - MD5: 3e32ea1743fdb607f99b9dc723f8aa1a
Additional methodology to accompany Knudsen et al. 2021
Unknown - 42.2 KB - MD5: 05c99b82fa8831f51bd70acfbc46311d
Trace element data: Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Rb, Sc, Se, Si, Sr, Th, Ti, U, V, Y and Zn.
Unknown - 108.9 KB - MD5: a4a34a76d7e432bdaf87e22e0b350ac3
Appendix 1.2: All sample details Appendix 1.3: AFTA data Appendix 1.4: Thermal-history solutions Appendix 1.5: Maximum paleotemperatures from VR data in outcrop samples. Appendix1.7: Thermal history interpretations for samples of the Traill Ø region.
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