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661 to 670 of 1,296 Results
MS Word - 12.6 KB - MD5: 68346746886ab8d90be0391259d29832
MS Word - 12.5 KB - MD5: e8b86d2f54b4504070792fd1a4ee1d4e
Adobe PDF - 93.6 KB - MD5: f162fd17fa8a159be843200c752f8116
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 51.4 KB - MD5: 57d4bc70ff82426331195d2702a27326
Fluxes of planktonic and benthic foraminifera and the proportion of benthic agglutinated taxa (relative to total benthic assemblage). Relative abundances (%) of all foraminifera species/taxa ordered alphabetically
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 15.7 KB - MD5: 5b6df8f50da3dbe51c3ea0c7e7dc0639
Total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) concentrations (%), molecular ratio of total organic carbon to nitrogen (C:N), isotopic composition of organic carbon (δ13Corg; ‰ vs PDB) and nitrogen (δ15N; ‰ vs air). Biogenic silica (BSi) concentrations (mg g-1 dry mass) and...
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 29.1 KB - MD5: dfacc680e2dac6e55be19d8ae380a6a6
Total dinoflagellate cyst fluxes, relative abundance of dinoflagellate cyst tax/species, flux of Halodinium spp., proportions of reworked Cretaceous/recent dinoflagellate cysts, flux of organic foraminifera linings and the ratio of Autotrophic to Heterotrophic species.
Adobe PDF - 3.3 MB - MD5: df142f143df84f8535d9421f03d830ff
The report is the final version (revision 2) issued in Marts 2017 and replaces previous issued T6a reports and T6b (revision 0).
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