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651 to 660 of 1,296 Results
Nov 21, 2022 - Sediment in calved ice
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 14.6 KB - MD5: 264d4119ff09febc625642b393a5d606
Sediment concentrations 2022
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 35.5 KB - MD5: ecfb321da6a29fe61c244f8bd98eb7ab
Supplementary file S3: Excel file with coordinates for important measured and sampled profiles
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 518.0 KB - MD5: 565af85344b8551b9eb34cf9b721077a
Supplementary file S4: Excel file with all analytical data
Adobe PDF - 5.8 MB - MD5: bc4d43eede3d25615533c6ff7519412a
Example of definition of quartz, quartz overgrowth, other minerals and pore space
Adobe PDF - 5.7 MB - MD5: 9bec88b7e81513040d2a83877e7ab2c9
final dissertation
Adobe PDF - 1.2 MB - MD5: 701cc921464a2c80e899e2013ffb6b1d
Master in Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Science report by Léa Quellard.
MS Word - 19.0 KB - MD5: 07cbbdfb24e672691975bfb8e31c5d1f
MS Word - 17.3 KB - MD5: 28ccdd62c5113417842ba3c6bc4db098
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