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Jun 28, 2022 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Schullehner, Jörg, 2022, "Danish Water Supply Areas and their links to water production facilities: an open-access data set",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This data set establishes the missing link between drinking-water quality monitoring data at the water production facility level in the Danish national geodatabase Jupiter and supply areas. Water Supply Areas (WSAs) were collected at municipality level, digitised and linked to th...
Plain Text - 185 B - MD5: fa4e3d42434c7397b4022e56258edebe
Readme file for WSA_PLANT.txt.
Plain Text - 231 B - MD5: d9795d390caf23a4c44f32d4b497c812
Readme file for WSA.shp (in
Plain Text - 161.2 KB - MD5: f3598970de93ee6bb41fde7ca5172ec5
Table linking Water Supply Area identifier (WSAID) to the identifier of the drinking- water production facility in Jupiter (PLANTID).
Unknown - 9.9 MB - MD5: 75734888c689863015aaeb78ac2bea02
Shape files containing the longitudinal Water Supply Areas (WSAs) with the start and end year of each WSA’s active period.
Adobe PDF - 108.9 KB - MD5: e12f2e678d0ac81df4884ac0b429d863
Adobe PDF - 132.1 KB - MD5: a2d25e0fbb773a2f4c839d5955194dda
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Unknown - 758.5 KB - MD5: d6ede463f9fc56b2fdd2045f27fd8365
Fixed Field Text Data - 102.3 KB - MD5: a5643798ff198278a9ce161ffa79443f
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