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Fixed Field Text Data - 4.5 KB - MD5: 3fa3c4e6d09185fe40b2d54f48c30872
Fixed Field Text Data - 10.3 KB - MD5: 89d0207a94415c1acf7a1e751e049f7d
Fixed Field Text Data - 25.3 KB - MD5: 8c5407ecc23c905f85cb86abfa706bba
Fixed Field Text Data - 11.3 KB - MD5: a382694ecfc0fb9ef9381b64e766a031
Fixed Field Text Data - 24.8 KB - MD5: 7efffdc2d741472f330b682b2ba21318
Fixed Field Text Data - 23.5 KB - MD5: 4891d42f89abbef863cbc93bdead8897
Fixed Field Text Data - 24.3 KB - MD5: 727a41c425f34593634cfd057a6a353a
Fixed Field Text Data - 22.0 KB - MD5: 54c0489a26e00f43782dd850b53ef0cd
Fixed Field Text Data - 23.0 KB - MD5: 022c01b8192485a5e5ecdfa714895694
Mar 16, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
Aarhus University for Avannaa Exploration Ltd, 2013, "2-D reflection seismic surveys onshore Disko, Kuugannguaq valley, central West Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: Avannaa Resources Kuuganguaq survey details. Size: 30 MB.
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