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15,121 to 15,130 of 15,140 Results
Feb 2, 2023 - DK-model2019
Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK1 and DK2 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK1 and DK2 (Sjælland and øerne) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kal...
ZIP Archive - 142.7 MB - MD5: d0ddb7b30a810882da9d9495aee42863
The hydrogeological layers in DK-model2019 for modelarea DK1 and DK2 in ascii format.
Feb 2, 2023 - DK-model2019
Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK3 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK3 (Fyn) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kalibrering af DK-model 20...
ZIP Archive - 33.8 MB - MD5: aa78cb9824fe8ba29aa66ea6f6e92f86
The hydrogeological layers in DK-model2019 for modelarea DK3 in ascii format.
Feb 2, 2023 - DK-model2019
Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK4, DK5 and DK6 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK4, DK5 and DK6 (Jylland) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kalibreri...
ZIP Archive - 814.0 MB - MD5: 992399c816f62934b8b957796252b320
The hydrogeological layers in DK-model2019 for modelarea DK4, DK5 and DK6 in ascii format.
Feb 2, 2023 - DK-model2019
Ondracek, Maria, 2023, "Hydrogeological layers DK7 (ascii)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 for modelarea DK7 (Bornholm) in ascii format. Description and principle sketch of the hydrostratigraphic units and calculation layers for the DK-model2019 in chapter 3, National Vandressource Model Modelopstilling og kalibrering af DK-mod...
ZIP Archive - 12.8 MB - MD5: b0423e1cc0752421faaf13a68c9a1d6d
The hydrogeological layers in DK-model2019 for modelarea DK7 in ascii format.
Jan 26, 2023 - Water resources
Kragh, Søren, 2023, "Net irrigation, Indus and Ganges Basins",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Ensemble evapotranspiration-based net irrigation estimates for Indus and Ganges basins. Net irrigation is quantified by residuals of evapotranspiration between remote sensing models and rainfed hydrological models. This dataset contains estimates of mean ensemble net irrigation a...
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