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2,231 to 2,236 of 2,236 Results
Unknown - 18.8 KB - MD5: c3c65c6e376079306994db6412bdfc54
Sample coordinates and thermal-history solutions in .kmz format.
Unknown - 8.1 MB - MD5: f2c503242a4089ad3e5930004ffba646
Supplementary File S4: Movie of Pingo 132, Aaffarsuaq valley, central Nuussuaq, West Greenland. The present water outlet is on the lower, south side of the pingo. It is associated with fractures in the soil and peat and small ponds with bubbling gas. (Video filename: SI 4_IMG_108...
Unknown - 23.9 MB - MD5: d5148fae0982d13ac89f438cc3f6dbc3
Supplementary File S5: Movie of Pingo 132, Aaffarsuaq valley, central Nuussuaq, West Greenland. The present water outlet is on the lower, south side of the pingo. It is associated with fractures in the soil and peat and small ponds with bubbling gas. (Video filename: SI 5_IMG_108...
Unknown - 54.5 KB - MD5: 7e4b15270757ac52bab6897ff9582a37
Macrofossil analyses of samples from Lammefjorden. August 2017. Ole Bennike. To accompany Bennike et al. 2020.
Unknown - 98.1 MB - MD5: df8d5c6bfda18fc3697e19848b5f2d36
ice velocity
Unknown - 126.6 MB - MD5: 3b1c27d94f66267007ec8b17e7ffc684
ice velocity
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