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1 to 10 of 30 Results
Nov 29, 2022Copernicus Arctic Regional ReAnalysis (CARRA) data for Greenland
monthly and annual CARRA time series data at points Here are CARRA monthly 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021 31 years. The data are in comma separated files (.csv) for static point locations in Greenland. The data...
Nov 28, 2022Copernicus Arctic Regional ReAnalysis (CARRA) data for Greenland
daily CARRA time series data at points Here are CARRA daily 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021 31 years. The data are in comma separated files (.csv) for static point locations in Greenland. The data for each locat...
Nov 28, 2022Nature and climate
daily, monthly and annual CARRA time series data at points Here are daily or monthly and annual 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021 31 years. The data are in comma separated files (.csv) for static point locations i...
Nov 28, 2022Nature and climate
Greenland Ice Sheet Basal Melt logo
Nov 3, 2022Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) and the Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net)
This dataverse contains basal melt rates for the Greenland ice sheet. The data contain basal melt rates in metres per year from three different heat sources: geothermal flux, friction heat and viscous heat from surface meltwater. The data also contain the total basal melt rates i...
Aug 25, 2022Water resources
This folder contain both GIS data with simulation results, calibrationstatistics and model set up data from The National Hydrological Model, version 2019 (DK-model2019) and the acctual modelset up in MIKESHE/MikeHYDRO. The hydrogeological layers in DKmodel2019 are also available...
Test Dataverse(
Aug 12, 2022Geological Data Centre
This is just a Test Dataverse. Nothing in here should be trusted at any level and can be removed at any time.
Ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment logo
Jun 20, 2022Nature and climate
Greenland Disequilibrium Dataverse Data and materials availability: The datasets generated during and/or analyzed as part of the submitted study are available here . Data access is currently restricted to those involved in the article’s external and editorial review and to listed...
NAG-TEC Atlas(NAG-TEC Group of Geological Surveys)
NAG-TEC Atlas logo
Jun 15, 2022Energy resources
The NAG-TEC Atlas provides a comprehensive review of geological and geophysical information over the north-east Atlantic region. The Atlas was produced as part of the NAG-TEC project, a collaborative effort by the British Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Gr...
Paleoclimate (
Jun 7, 2022Nature and climate
Dataverse for the cross-departmental Paleoclimate Research Group at GEUS. For more information see
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