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2,611 to 2,620 of 4,035 Results
Jul 13, 2022 - Energy resources
Anthonsen, K.L.; Schovsbo, Niels; Britze, Peter, 2022, "Overview of the current status and development of shale gas and shale oil in Europe",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This report is prepared by Karen L. Anthonsen, Niels Schovsbo and Peter Britze, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) in October 2016, as part of the EUOGA study (EU Unconventional Oil and Gas Assessment) commissioned by JRC-IET. The report is based on information fro...
Jul 13, 2022 - Energy resources
Hemmingsen Schovsbo, Niels; Anthonsen, K.L.; Pedersen, C.B.; Tougaard, L., 2022, "Overview of shale layers characteristics in Europe relevant for assessment of unconventional resources",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This report is prepared by Niels H. Schovsbo with contributions from Karen L. Anthonsen, Christian B. Pedersen and Lisbeth Tougaard, all from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) as part of the EUOGA study (EU Unconventional Oil and Gas Assessment) commissioned b...
Adobe PDF - 3.3 MB - MD5: df142f143df84f8535d9421f03d830ff
The report is the final version (revision 2) issued in Marts 2017 and replaces previous issued T6a reports and T6b (revision 0).
Jul 13, 2022 - Energy resources
Schovsbo, Niels Hemmingsen; Doornenbal, Hand; Nelskamp; Pedersen, C.B.; Anthonsen, K.L.; Tougaard, L.; Zijp, M.; Anthonsen, K.L., 2022, "Review of results, knowledge gaps and recommendations for future work",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This report is prepared by Niels H. Schovsbo, Karen L. Anthonsen, Christian B. Pedersen, and Lisbeth Tougaard, from GEUS, and Susanne Nelskamp, Mart Zijp and Hans Doornenbal, from TNO, as part of the EUOGA study (EU Unconventional Oil and Gas Assessment) commissioned by JRC-IET.
Adobe PDF - 4.2 MB - MD5: da379076c690b8cb7f76b2af6f10cbb8
Jul 1, 2022 - Camp Century Climate
Karlsson, Nanna; Colgan, William; Machguth, Horst; Binder, Daniel; Hansen, Karina, 2022, "Camp Century ice-penetration radar data",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
These ice-penetrating radar data include both raw data and processed images from a survey of Camp Century in 2017. This dataset contains severeal subfolders each associated with a part of the radar grid. Quickmaps show the different parts of the grid. This dataset also contains a...
JPEG Image - 435.1 KB - MD5: 4c109d02cdb578b618cfe33eb7442e3b
Quickview map showing the location of radar segment 100MHz.
ZIP Archive - 18.7 MB - MD5: a25981bd01282e5b9a453269c86e5640
Radar data (raw and quick views) of radar segment 100MHz.
JPEG Image - 430.2 KB - MD5: bbe082b7f7e1c25d169ee6e8d733fbfd
Quickview map showing the location of radar segment 1A_200mEW.
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