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2,531 to 2,540 of 3,865 Results
Unknown - 61.5 MB - MD5: 8f7cb8e7a7f524bccb1449863049172b
Design plans for the winch.
HTML - 246.0 KB - MD5: b31031e61a88d7ff40535e334c626ade
Software for Adafruit Feather to drive the interface display with received data and hardware set points. (GitHub 2022-09-06: "winch_FeatherLCD_winchOnly_r2.ino")
HTML - 278.5 KB - MD5: 20cf8ddffc44e347143e905c46786e16
Software for Arduino Mega processor control in the interface to send/receive data and set points to/from the winch. (GitHub 2022-09-06: "sonnet_WinchVersion.ino")
ZIP Archive - 2.3 MB - MD5: fd6b54f2a147460fc123544bbdd286a0
KML GPR lines
ZIP Archive - 5.3 GB - MD5: 2601e06473454f599eff225cd1a5e381
MALÅ GPR data files
Adobe PDF - 1.2 MB - MD5: 701cc921464a2c80e899e2013ffb6b1d
Master in Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Science report by Léa Quellard.
MS Word - 19.0 KB - MD5: 07cbbdfb24e672691975bfb8e31c5d1f
MS Word - 17.3 KB - MD5: 28ccdd62c5113417842ba3c6bc4db098
MS Word - 12.6 KB - MD5: 68346746886ab8d90be0391259d29832
XML - 32.9 KB - MD5: 8bafefa0e2ae10dc6ce35f17ee36753c
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