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2,581 to 2,590 of 4,035 Results
MS Word - 12.6 KB - MD5: 68346746886ab8d90be0391259d29832
XML - 32.9 KB - MD5: 8bafefa0e2ae10dc6ce35f17ee36753c
MS Word - 12.5 KB - MD5: e8b86d2f54b4504070792fd1a4ee1d4e
Adobe PDF - 93.6 KB - MD5: f162fd17fa8a159be843200c752f8116
ZIP Archive - 2.0 MB - MD5: 77cdbcde95ce1a9d580e457f53c659e9
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 22.6 MB - MD5: b186c1b92e716d07a67aa2e9a95cf260
Aug 25, 2022 - Camp Century Climate
Colgan, William; Jakobsen, Jakob, 2022, "Camp Century: Global Navigation Satellite System measurements",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements collected at Camp Century. This includes the CEN-GPS station, which continuously recorded during 2019-2021. This also includes the seven-stake strain network (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 and S7) that was measured in summer 2017, a...
ZIP Archive - 116.3 MB - MD5: 72bfbfd86d733963d53000cfa71491cd
15-second GNSS data in raw daily files collected at S1-S7 strain network stakes during summer 2017. Plus field notes.
ZIP Archive - 2.3 GB - MD5: c74b6606683a755c14196857824baa7d
15-second GNSS data in raw daily files collected at CEN-GPS during the year of 2019.
ZIP Archive - 11.5 MB - MD5: 3203b97eedc74bb57cc7052a181b24e9
15-second GNSS data in raw daily files collected at S5 strain network stake during spring 2019.
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