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3,991 to 4,000 of 4,003 Results
May 30, 2022 - Greenland Data Centre
GEUS, 2022, "Greenland's Intrusive and Stratigraphic Database",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Website including databases of stratigraphic units used in Greenland and intrusions and magmatic complexes in Greenland. This data product is a website. The page you are looking at is just the DOI reference to the website. The website can be found at Greenland's Stratigraphic and...
May 18, 2022 - Nature and climate
Box, Jason, 2022, "Supporting codes and data for GRL study - Greenland Ice Sheet Rainfall, Heat and Albedo Feedback Impacts from the Mid-August 2021 Atmospheric River",, GEUS Dataverse, V3
in compliance with AGU journal requirements, a tar.gz file contains data and codes used in this study.
May 12, 2022 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
SMITH, M. Paul; MOSELEY, Gina E., 2022, "Supplementary files for: The karst and palaeokarst of North and North-East Greenland – physical records of cryptic geological intervals",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Carbonate rocks of Neoproterozoic to Silurian age are abundantly distributed around the coasts of North and North-East Greenland. Palaeokarst horizons are particularly well-developed within the Portfjeld Formation (Ediacaran – earliest Cambrian) and beneath the Buen Formation (Ca...
Unknown - 326.4 KB - MD5: cc48108b8c0329129c958fd617ecfb78
Supplementary file S1: Contains supplementary figure 1 showing loss function plots for the applied modelling experiments.
Unknown - 88.0 KB - MD5: 9e6a3621f79f2045c5e079efff400fdf
Table S1: Macrofossil analyses.
Apr 4, 2022 - Nature and climate
Box, Jason, 2022, "selection of daily Sentinel-2 imagery from Southern Greenland 2017 to 2021",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
imagery features Qajuuttap sermia, Bredefjord and Qalerallit sermiat. Narsarsuaq is visible in the coverage. The imagery are stored as 10 m geotiff files processed by J. Box using code adapted after that from of Adrien Wehrlé at U. Zurich....
Mar 18, 2022 - Seismology
Voss, Peter H.; Dahl-Jensen, Trine; Larsen, Tine B.; Rinds, Nicoali, 2022, "Cryo-generated Seismic Events in Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Parametric data from cryo-generated seismic events in Greenland, detected, processed and analysed at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland – GEUS, using data from the earthquake monitoring network. Daily updates of the data is available via the URL
Mar 3, 2022 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Bennike, Ole; Wiberg-Larsen, Peter, 2022, "Supplementary files for: A new Middle Pleistocene interglacial occurrence from Ejby, Sjælland, Denmark",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Despite more than a century of investigations, parts of the Quaternary stratigraphy of Denmark with their fragmented record of deposits remain ambiguous. Here we describe a newly found interglacial clay deposit from Ejby on Sjælland, Denmark from a borehole at 55.695°N, 11.839°E...
Jan 28, 2022 - Nature and climate
Charalampos Charalampidis; Dirk van As; William Colgan; Robert Fausto; Michael MacFerrin; Horst Machguth; Baptiste Vandecrux, 2022, "Subsurface monitoring at 1840 m a.s.l. on the southwestern Greenland ice sheet during 2012–2013",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The dataset is fully described in: Charalampidis, C., Van As, D., Colgan, W. T., Fausto, R. S., Macferrin, M. and Machguth, H.: Thermal tracing of retained meltwater in the lower accumulation area of the Southwestern Greenland ice sheet, Ann. Glaciol., 57(72), 1–10, https://doi.o...
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