401 to 410 of 636 Results
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Abatzis, Ioannis; Milthers, Kurt; Møller, Carlos; Vejbæk, Ole Valdemar; Britze, Peter; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Basis Kalk' og Kalk Gruppen (to-vejs løbetid, dybde, intervalhastighed og vertikal tykkelse)", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/UODDYX, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Lower Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous, Cenozoic, Danian, chalk, hydrocarbons |
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Abatzis, Ioannis; Poulsen, Kurt Damtoft; Milthers, Kurt; Møller, Carlos; Andersen, Morten Sparre; Langtofte, Carsten; Vejbæk, Ole Valdemar; Britze, Peter; Møller, Jens Jørgen; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus; Rasmussen, Erik Skovbjerg, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Basis Kridt' og Cromer Knoll Gruppen (to-vejs løbetid, dybde, intervalhastighed og vertikal tykkelse)", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/4XHDRG, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Lower Cretaceous, hydrocarbons |
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Petersen, Kaj Strand; Pedersen, Stig A. Schack, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:50 000. Geologisk kort over Djursland", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/V435Y3, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Danian, Paleocene, Eocene, Holsteinian, Saalian, Weichselian, Holocene, Glacial geology, glacial features, glacial tectonics, drumlins, outwash plains |
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Lemke, Wolfram; Kuijpers, Antoon; Jensen, Jørn Bo, 1996, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Kortbladet Femer Bælt - Arkona Bassinet. Sen-kvartære aflejringer", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/XBLERL, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Weichselian, Holocene, Baltic Sea, Baltic Ice Lake, marine geology, |
Jun 21, 2022 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Britze, Peter; Japsen, Peter; Andersen, Claus, 1995, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000. Den danske Centralgrav. 'Basis Øvre Jura' og Øvre Jura (to-vejs løbetid, dybde, intervalhastighed og vertikal tykkelse)", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/NNTY4T, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Seismic interpretation, North Sea, Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic, hydrocarbons |
Jun 18, 2022 - Ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment
Box, Jason, 2022, "Greenland ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment from recent climate: data/code", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/D5JEZ0, GEUS Dataverse, V1
dataverse dataset for Greenland ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment from recent climate Data and materials Paper: revised Box, Jason, 2022, "Greenland ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment from recent climate: scripts, output data and figures v20220502 resubmission"... |
Jun 17, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Spakman, W., 2014, "Mantle Tomography Model UU-P07", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/UVZJDQ, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Tomographic model of Earth's mantle developed for the project. |
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Hopper, J.R.; Funck, T.; Stoker, M.S.; Árting, U.; Peron-Pinvidic, G.; Doornenbal, H.; Gaina, C.; NAG-TEC Contributors, 2014, "Tectonostratigraphic Atlas of the North-East Atlantic Region", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/ZZQRQ1, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The complete printed volume. |
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Hopper, J.R.; Funck, T.; Stoker, M.S.; Árting, U.; Peron-Pinvidic, G.; Doornenbal, H.; Gaina, C.; NAG-TEC Contributors, 2014, "NAG-TEC ArcGIS Project", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/KHHMQE, GEUS Dataverse, V1
ArcGIS database of comprehensive background material upon which the NAG-TEC Atlas is based. The project includes links to seismic refraction profiles, geoseismic sections, stratigraphic charts, etc. A separate geodatabase and mxd file is included with the reconstructions based on... |
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Funck, T.; Erlendsson, Ö.; Geissler, W. H.; Gradmann, S.; Kimbell, G.S.; McDermott, K.G.; Petersen, U., 2014, "Seismic Refraction Database", https://doi.org/10.22008/FK2/R1K0YE, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The seismic refraction database contains 207 published velocity model profiles from seismic refraction experiments. Included with each profile are references to all publications, depth to basement and Moho, navigation information, and interpretations of the crustal type. |