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1,641 to 1,650 of 3,865 Results
Network Common Data Form - 83.9 MB - MD5: 7b6d336643ff5d8c35cc1154d9d386a5
PNG Image - 2.8 MB - MD5: 4c05a680b9c2d191a09af4acb1918f19
Comma Separated Values - 19.7 KB - MD5: 0be6991bcc4c534e317c34bcd06891d0
Average decadal mean loss terms for each glacier.
Unknown - 168.0 KB - MD5: 72f390f86dddb8f8e56ebd1d5c92e39a
Geographical locations of each glacier with average decadal loss terms
Plain Text - 2.7 KB - MD5: aa990ef808b682228e22d0b4688deeec
Identical to "Dataset description" on website
Comma Separated Values - 5.5 KB - MD5: bb7b52d6717750e7d8a8e1daa39d3e0a
Comma Separated Values - 5.8 KB - MD5: 0efa78e66e9f976df7d68f44ce912fbc
Comma Separated Values - 6.1 KB - MD5: 4c39df1315d874afb48e2d81e148aaaa
Comma Separated Values - 5.7 KB - MD5: 47a0ccc3babcc0810f1a7d8f44daabcd
Comma Separated Values - 6.1 KB - MD5: a93c97b67d2f81ed82d97b2c04b44956
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