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891 to 900 of 29,686 Results
Plain Text - 454.7 KB - MD5: 0cdc0a6fc64074dd4c9dcf32752447d7
Plain Text - 428.6 KB - MD5: cadf9e87511624259ce0b3cd808cdb10
Plain Text - 2.1 KB - MD5: 374401ab6b9c2c1ccd90d677618e6347
Adobe PDF - 1.7 MB - MD5: 17b3c9c4e844115b1b696b03e4f9b6b0
Full dataset - dinocyst raw counts plotted using StrataBugs program. Raw counts generated by Stefan Piasecki and Julie Margrethe Fredborg combined
Comma Separated Values - 17.9 KB - MD5: 2916df8b662e54a331b335cb48bb9c93
Raw counts by Stefan Piasecki and Julie Margrethe Fredborg;
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 50.9 KB - MD5: edc18c84b66fe12082d6fb6ec60760e9
Raw pollen counts generated by Linda Larsson, published in Larsson et al. 2006 and 2011 ( and
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 36.7 KB - MD5: 7a9d3d142d7959e5a28ff6e0584bbac2
Sdr. Vium: CA-derived estimations for precipitation and temperatures based generated by Sofie Lindstrom, based on the data published by Larsson et al. 2006 and 2011
JPEG Image - 33.1 MB - MD5: ab254d023ff7f234e70b14f0f451e7f9
Photo by S. Rysgaard, AU.
JPEG Image - 26.5 MB - MD5: ce54552e276a6038e3de6f2824a7ad29
Photo by S. Rysgaard, AU.
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