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381 to 390 of 4,003 Results
PNG Image - 3.0 MB - MD5: 744aaeaf5bca1f66cd0ca2238579a7e1
Nov 21, 2023 - Geological Maps - Denmark
Binzer, Knud; Lykke-Andersen, Holger; Stockmarr, Jens, 1994, "Geologisk kort over Danmark, 1:500 000. Prækvartæroverfladens højdeforhold. Det danske landområde samt Kattegat, indre farvande og farvandet omkring Bornholm",, GEUS Dataverse, V3
Prækvartæroverfladens topografi, dvs højden af overfladen under aflejringerne fra de seneste istider, er fremstillet på baggrund af de geologiske data, der er indsamlet i GEUS' borearkiv. Derudover er anvendt seismiske data udført og indsamlet af blandt andre Geologisk Institut,...
Nov 21, 2023 - SICE - Arctic and Antarctic land ice snow and ice surface properties from Sentinel-3 OLCI
Wehrlé, Adrien; Box, Jason; Vandecrux, Baptiste; Mankoff, Ken, 2022, "SICEv2.3.2 Iceland snow and ice broadband albedo and surface optical properties from Sentinel-3’s OLCI at 1000 m resolution, 2017-2023",, GEUS Dataverse, V3
Timespan 1 April, to 31 September for each year 2017 to 2023 and is being updated starting ~April each year Description For multiple Arctic glaciated regions (Table 1), 1km daily data (Table 2) from the SICE v1.6 algorithm, see Wehrlé et al (2021) and Kokhanovsky et al (2019) for...
Network Common Data Form - 483.8 KB - MD5: 04c4a7b81603eee4fa6dbd0c8d41de05
SICEv2.3.2 output:, date: 2017-04-01
Network Common Data Form - 173.1 KB - MD5: a19c3b86f3ea607487ade2e1ffd29bf4
SICEv2.3.2 output:, date: 2017-04-04
Network Common Data Form - 81.1 KB - MD5: 5081cad105d5b3c26a38a94383edc9e5
SICEv2.3.2 output:, date: 2017-04-05
Network Common Data Form - 67.7 KB - MD5: 39a2b5dac91baa704b959c74f90c8045
SICEv2.3.2 output:, date: 2017-04-07
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