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2,691 to 2,700 of 4,003 Results
ESRI Spatial Index - 132 B - MD5: 6ece75f27a63c90c103e840d5a0600ab
ESRI Spatial Index - 116 B - MD5: 97e70e2ac47678fa91ed0872ef14b215
Shape - 1.1 MB - MD5: 8ac16175636f82b43d95b16c2c93459a
XML - 8.0 KB - MD5: d1a608548f5b47d0d81a595f521e0625
Shape - 108 B - MD5: 24f91881bb0625a5f420cf3e41814309
Unknown - 5 B - MD5: ae3b3df9970b49b6523e608759bc957d
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile - 122 B - MD5: b013b3edacd9d3412260242255a8b764
ESRI Shapefile - 402 B - MD5: b3bae3719e61aac0b27f0cc562fe4640
ESRI Spatial Index - 132 B - MD5: 949c023eec9988d0c8c7ccb4be2932de
ESRI Spatial Index - 116 B - MD5: a5d355f3a7dcf0c474348ff9a677b6ee
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