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2,571 to 2,580 of 4,003 Results
Aug 31, 2022 - Denmark Data Center
Peter Roll Jakobsen, 2022, "Geomorfologisk kort over Danmark, 1:200 000, version 3",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The geomorphological map shows landscape types in the Danish landscape. The specific landscape types have mutual common features, which can be associated to the formation processes that created them. Most of the landscape types are formed by glaciers during the glacial periods an...
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Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 22.6 MB - MD5: b186c1b92e716d07a67aa2e9a95cf260
Aug 25, 2022 - Camp Century Climate
Colgan, William; Jakobsen, Jakob, 2022, "Camp Century: Global Navigation Satellite System measurements",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements collected at Camp Century. This includes the CEN-GPS station, which continuously recorded during 2019-2021. This also includes the seven-stake strain network (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 and S7) that was measured in summer 2017, a...
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