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681 to 690 of 1,296 Results
Adobe PDF - 91.7 KB - MD5: e2a674d0bd0a5835100601543410ea6f
Adobe PDF - 100.2 KB - MD5: 8fe580c5f84b3bda97854d601da428e8
Adobe PDF - 153.4 KB - MD5: 0ef89adb9b3cf449119b9e8f38374497
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 393.4 KB - MD5: df9c0eacf21dcf7dcefab717682333ed
Historical surface mass balance database 13 May 2016 version in .xlsx format.
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 406.3 KB - MD5: 2eb5ac7bff093438f1a8b588dc6622cd
Historical surface mass balance database 24 September 2020 version in .xlsx format.
Adobe PDF - 127.5 KB - MD5: 460752865856709cc5e26e8f887e130c
Terms of use documentation.
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 19.9 KB - MD5: afed20937ac5e3af9dfaede2a3285c54
Biogeochemical analysis (BSi and TOC) of sediment cores SA12-ST8-1, SA13-ST6-36R, DANA08-ST17, and DANA08-20
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 30.2 KB - MD5: 32eaf7c96b69205529f9fd54697b1ca8
Diatom assemblage (rel.%) of sediment cores SA12-ST8-1, SA13-ST6-36R, and DANA08-ST17.
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 19.9 KB - MD5: 5cf674ad6958c4e6161f6a05e96d49fa
Grain-size distribution of sediment cores SA12-ST8-1, SA13-ST6-36R, DANA08-ST17, and DANA08-ST20.
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 15.4 KB - MD5: ff909ce439064c3461f62638f4c714c7
Freshwater runoff estimates for the period 1900-2019.
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