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631 to 640 of 1,296 Results
Adobe PDF - 25.8 MB - MD5: 89647318193b4ce8a2110494a9cc17de
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Figure S1: XRF concentrations in Palaeogene deposits in Denmark Figure S2: PCA analysis of XRF concentrations in Palaeogene deposits in Denmark Figure S3: XRF element ratios in Palaeogene deposits in Denmark Table S1: XRF elements in Palaeogene deposits in Denmark
Adobe PDF - 153.6 KB - MD5: d26f25f6bc8ca44636a0e1d4901fe5f9
Machining instructions for the bottom of the melt tip. (GitHub 2022-09-06: "HOTROD Tip Maching, March 2022 v13.pdf")
Adobe PDF - 49.4 KB - MD5: b224fe0d4a95d060849a6af1c178909e
Design schematic for the on-board electronics package of the melt tip. (GitHub 2022-09-06: "Assembly (updated).pdf")
Adobe PDF - 137.9 KB - MD5: 49928cb74a2049d878d749c5bf1e131d
Machining instructions for the top cap of the melt tip (GitHub 2022-09-06: "V1B Top Cap drawing.pdf").
MS Word - 48.8 KB - MD5: dc92cb00c1f8f33cc3b85a3c8e74ded3
Lookup table for sediment grain size classes – Supplementary File S1.
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