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ZIP Archive - 19.3 MB - MD5: fa08b0124554961baa15f3a5fd959a39
Dataset 2
Adobe PDF - 5.8 MB - MD5: bc4d43eede3d25615533c6ff7519412a
Example of definition of quartz, quartz overgrowth, other minerals and pore space
Plain Text - 1.7 KB - MD5: c90d723e9a6e2400732ee221f3a745fa
Information on dataset 1
Plain Text - 1.7 KB - MD5: 8082c3c4457c4a106df9677cea9ca3d2
Information regarding dataset 2
Sep 14, 2022 - Student reports
Todd H. Albert, 2007, "Assessment of glacier mass balances from small tropical glaciers to the large ice sheet of Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
A combination of field work, modeling, and remote sensing was used to determine mass balances for the Quelccaya Ice Cap in Peru and for parts of the Greenland Ice Sheet. A 40-year history of deglaciation on Quelccaya derived from satellite is presented. Automatic Weather Station...
Adobe PDF - 5.7 MB - MD5: 9bec88b7e81513040d2a83877e7ab2c9
final dissertation
ZIP Archive - 1.9 KB - MD5: 39579d0138c5b07c7c1b851c5b14f373
Code for a semi-implicit numerical model of borehole refreezing via a 1D radial enthalpy solution in .m (MATLAB and Octave) programming language.
HTML - 806.7 KB - MD5: 8a57ad8ae52325c5420afdec8f5a5959
Design plans for the bottom of the melt tip. (GitHub 2022-09-06: "HOTROD tip 16-3-22.step")
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