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191 to 200 of 202 Results
Mar 29, 2021 - SICE - Arctic and Antarctic land ice snow and ice surface properties from Sentinel-3 OLCI
Wehrlé, Adrien; Box, Jason; Vandecrux, Baptiste; Mankoff, Ken, 2021, "Snow and ice broadband albedo from Sentinel-3 OLCI measurements and empirical regression",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This dataset contains: snow and ice broadband albedo mosaics over Greenland for years 2018 and 2019 computed from a simple empirical approach (Wehrlé et al, 2021). This approach consists of a fit between 4729 hourly PROMICE albedo measurements and the nearest in time and space OL...
Mar 25, 2021 - SICE - Arctic and Antarctic land ice snow and ice surface properties from Sentinel-3 OLCI
Vandecrux, Baptiste; Box, Jason; Mankoff, Ken; Wehrlé, Adrien, 2021, "Snow broadband albedo, specific surface area and optical grain diameter from Sentinel-3's OLCI, daily 1 km mosaics, Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This dataset contains: albedo_bb_planar_sw.tif Shortwave broadband planar albedo (300-2400 nm) diagnostic_retrieval.tif Per-pixel information about the retrieval. al.tif Effective absorption length (mm) r0.tif Reflectance of a semi-infinite non-absorbing snow layer snow_specific_...
Mar 24, 2021 - GEUS Bulletin Dataverse
Trine Dahl-Jensen, 2021, "Supplementary files for: Monitoring for seismological and geochemical groundwater effects of high-volume pumping of natural gas at the Stenlille underground gas storage facility, Denmark",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
The large natural gas storage facility at Stenlille, Denmark, has been monitored to investigate the effect of pumping large amounts of gas into the subsurface. Here, we present a new dataset of microseismicity at Stenlille since 2018. We compare these data with methane in groundw...
Mar 16, 2021 - Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) and the Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net)
Sørensen, Louise, 2021, "PROMICE perimeter airborne laser and radar altimetry survey",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Airborne surveys were carried out in 2007, 2011 and 2015 along the PROMICE perimeter, which approximately circumscribing the 1700 m elevation contour of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Ice-sheet surface elevation was measured by laser altimetry and bedrock elevation was measured by rada...
Mar 3, 2021 - Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) and the Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net)
Colgan, William, 2021, "Greenland ice sheet mass balance assessment (1995-2019)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Input-output assessment of annual ice-sheet mass balance in eighteen ice-sheet sectors during 1995-2019. Ice-sheet output, or ice discharge across the grounding line, is estimated by adding downstream corrections to the ice flux across the PROMICE perimeter. Ice-sheet input, or a...
Feb 26, 2021 - Nature and climate
Colgan, William, 2021, "Camp Century: Firn density measurements in cores B73 and B62",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Firn density measurements at Camp Century Contact: William Colgan ( Please cite the following study if using the data: Colgan, W., Pedersen, A., Binder, D., Machguth, H., Abermann, J., & Jayred, M. (2018). Initial field activities of the Camp Century Climate Monitorin...
Feb 26, 2021 - Nature and climate
Colgan, William, 2021, "Topographic Correction for Geothermal Heat Flow in Greenland and Antarctica",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Topographic correction for geothermal heat flux across both Greenland and Antarctica. This dimensionless correction field is derived from a statistical model applied to BedMachine bed topography. Applying this small-scale topographic correction to independent large-scale geotherm...
Feb 24, 2021 - SICE - Arctic and Antarctic land ice snow and ice surface properties from Sentinel-3 OLCI
Box, Jason, 2021, "SICE 1 km broadband albedo monthly averages and visualisations",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
SICE 1 km broadband albedo monthly averages and visualisations
Feb 16, 2021 - Nature and climate
Colgan, William; Vandecrux, Baptiste, 2021, "Camp Century: Firn compaction measurements (CEN-COM)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Firn compaction measurements at Camp Century (CEN-COM) Contact: Baptiste Vandecrux ( Please cite the following study when using these data: Vandecrux, B., Colgan, W., Solgaard, A.M., Steffensen, J.P., and Karlsson, N.B.(2021). Firn evolution at Camp Century, Greenland...
Feb 16, 2021 - Nature and climate
Vandecrux, Baptiste; Colgan, William, 2021, "Camp Century: Simulations of firn evolution 1966-2100",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
This dataset contains the meteorological forcing, calculated surface energy and mass balance and simulated firn evolution at Camp Century during 1966-2100. Contact: Baptiste Vandecrux ( Please cite the following study when using these data: Vandecrux, B., Colgan, W.,...
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