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2,621 to 2,630 of 4,003 Results
JPEG Image - 426.0 KB - MD5: 48557f361cebecaa844ad58560abaa94
Quickview map showing the location of radar segment 4A_100mEW.
ZIP Archive - 345.8 MB - MD5: edece35e084f468e51e06951e763e081
Radar data (raw and quick views) of radar segment 4A_100mEW.
JPEG Image - 435.4 KB - MD5: 8ce89d15be52faea6fafd1a80cc15282
Quickview map showing the location of radar segment 4B_100mNS.
ZIP Archive - 135.7 MB - MD5: 0a6b208459b1346b29acc7ec4edbb531
Radar data (raw and quick views) of radar segment 4B_100mNS.
JPEG Image - 430.0 KB - MD5: ac46e68ca3a638b3b0948932fc3f246a
Quickview map showing the location of radar segment 5_50mD2.
ZIP Archive - 67.2 MB - MD5: bbfda41053041d8ae7e2f154272b3b29
Radar data (raw and quick views) of radar segment 5_50mD2.
ZIP Archive - 476.5 KB - MD5: aa543db6c99ab35e7641a7ecfea5311f
As-built map of Camp Century georeferenced to August 2017 coordinates.
Plain Text - 1.3 KB - MD5: ab77f75b6ae3c2ee237bc4e23380b59a
Readme file explaining the radar data structure and referencing.
MATLAB Data - 702 B - MD5: 69f1f901364a191a306ade2dfa0b6621
Observed ice temperatures at Camp Century subsetted from
Plain Text - 3.2 KB - MD5: fb8be73266702cfdf920c08eba006a03
Vertical ice temperature code parameterized for best fit at Camp Century.
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