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21 to 30 of 170 Results
Feb 23, 2023 - Denmark Data Center
Jakobsen, Peter Roll; Tougaard, Lisbeth; Anthonsen, Karen Lyng, 2022, "Danmarks Digitale Jordartskort 1:25 000 version 6.0 - MapInfo",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
Det digitale jordartskort viser overfladegeologien i digital form. I denne version 6.0 fra 2021 er 91% af Danmarks landareal klassificeret, og kortet kompletteres løbende. Kortet er et resultat af den systematiske geologiske kortlægning af Danmark. Informationerne er indsamlet ve...
Dec 21, 2022 - Paleoclimate
Sliwinska, Kasia, 2022, "Data set to: "Sea surface temperature evolution of the Atlantic Ocean across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition"",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Data set includes 1. Age model (site 647) 2. Tex86 - raw data 3. Bayspar TEX86 calculation 4. Uk37 - raw data 5. Sea Surface Temperature: model vs. data
Dec 20, 2022 - Nature and climate
Hillerup Larsen, Signe; Kusk, Anders; Ahlstrøm, Andreas Peter, 2022, "COSMO SkyMed Ice Velocity, Upernavik 2014",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Ice velocities derived from COSMO-SkyMed campaign over Upernavik in 2014
Dec 16, 2022 - SICE - Arctic and Antarctic land ice snow and ice surface properties from Sentinel-3 OLCI
Kokhanovsky, A.A, B. Vandecrux, A. Wehrlé, O. Danne, C. Brockmann, J. Box, 2022, "Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for Sentinel-3 snow and ice (SICE) products, Version 5.1",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Sentinel-3 snow and ice (SICE) products, Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document, Version 5.1, October 1, 2022
Nov 30, 2022 - Water resources
Madsen, Rasmus Bødker, 2022, "Realizations of the subsurface representing interpretation uncertainty of a hydrostratigraphic model from Egebjerg, Denmark",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Ensemble of 200 realizations of the subsurface near Egebjerg Denmark. The realizations were made using the GDM method ( to demonstrate the method. The realizations represent the interpretation uncertainty of the layer boundaries from a...
Nov 29, 2022 - monthly CARRA data 1991 to 2021
Box, Jason Eric, 2022, "monthly and annual CARRA data at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
monthly and annual CARRA time series data at points Here are CARRA monthly 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021 31 years. The data are in comma separated files (.csv) for static point locations in Greenland. The data...
Nov 29, 2022 - monthly CARRA data 1991 to 2021
Box, Jason Eric, 2022, "monthly and annual CARRA data at Zackenberg 1991 to 2021",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
monthly and annual CARRA time series data at points Here are CARRA monthly 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021 31 years. The data are in comma separated files (.csv) for static point locations in Greenland. The data...
Nov 29, 2022Copernicus Arctic Regional ReAnalysis (CARRA) data for Greenland
monthly and annual CARRA time series data at points Here are CARRA monthly 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021 31 years. The data are in comma separated files (.csv) for static point locations in Greenland. The data...
Nov 29, 2022 - daily CARRA time series data at points
Box, Jason Eric, 2022, "daily CARRA data at Zackenberg 1991 to 2021",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
daily CARRA time series data at points Here are CARRA daily 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021 31 years. The data are in comma separated files (.csv) for static point locations in Greenland. The data for each locat...
Nov 29, 2022 - daily CARRA time series data at points
Box, Jason Eric, 2022, "daily CARRA data at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021",, GEUS Dataverse, V2
daily CARRA time series data at points Here are CARRA daily 2m air temperature (t2m) or total precipitation (tp) or rainfall (rf) at GEUS AWS sites 1991 to 2021 31 years. The data are in comma separated files (.csv) for static point locations in Greenland. The data for each locat...
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