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131 to 140 of 170 Results
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Gaina, C., 2014, "Age of Ocean Crust",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Age of oceanic crust based on the kinematic model for opening of the North Atlantic. The continent-ocean boundary was interpreted from the seismic refraction database.
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Nasuti, A.; Olesen, O., 2014, "Magnetic Anomaly Grids",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Magnetic anomaly and tilt derivative of the North-East Atlantic region.
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Haase, C.; Ebbing, J.; Funck, T., 2014, "Gravity Inversion",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Gridded files of depth to Moho and crustal thickness based on gravity inversion. The inversion uses the total sediment thickess grid for depth to basement.
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Haase, C.; Ebbing, J.; Funck, T., 2014, "Gravity Anomaly Grids",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Bouguer anomaly, isostatic anomaly, and tilt derivative of the isostatic anomaly derived from the free-air gravity anomaly. The free-air anomaly is based on the DTU Space 2010 global compilation.
Jun 15, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Hopper, J.R.; Gaina, C., 2014, "Bathymetry and Residual Bathymetry",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Bathymetry and elevation of the Northeast Atlantic region, primarily based on IBCAO version 3 and ETOPO1 and supplemented with unpublished multibeam data in some areas. The residual bathymetry is the sediment unloaded bathymetry corrected for thermal subsidence using the oceanic...
NAG-TEC Atlas(NAG-TEC Group of Geological Surveys)
NAG-TEC Atlas logo
Jun 15, 2022Energy resources
The NAG-TEC Atlas provides a comprehensive review of geological and geophysical information over the north-east Atlantic region. The Atlas was produced as part of the NAG-TEC project, a collaborative effort by the British Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Gr...
Jun 8, 2022 - Nature and climate
Underground channel, 2022, "Video abstract - Towards green Arctic fjords",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Video abstract "Towards green Arctic fjords" by Underground Channel. Relates to Oksman et al. study on the impacts of Greenland ice sheet freshwater runoff on the marine ecosystem published in The Cryosphere.
Paleoclimate (
Jun 7, 2022Nature and climate
Dataverse for the cross-departmental Paleoclimate Research Group at GEUS. For more information see
Jun 6, 2022 - Nature and climate
Wehrlé, Adrien; Box, Jason, 2022, "2000-2019 MODIS Greenland ice sheet monthly 1km albedo grids (MOD10A1M_GR)",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
1km monthly albedo grids over the Greenland ice sheet.
SICE - Arctic and Antarctic land ice snow and ice surface properties from Sentinel-3 OLCI logo
Jun 3, 2022Nature and climate
Output of the optical retrievals of snow and ice properties using Sentinel-3 OLCI instrument:: - mosaics of top-of-the-atmosphere OLCI reflectances - spectral/broadband albedo - Snow specific surface area (SSA) and optical grain diameter - cloud mask The current ver. 1 daily prod...
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