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41 to 50 of 1,297 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 198.4 KB - MD5: 77b8c442f792c921ad64450f3cc4c6e6
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 59.7 KB - MD5: 51554a7215a819c463c2b4dbc05ed88e
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 537.7 KB - MD5: 7a38cd26e79117727a64347c8a2e85d7
MS Word - 34.1 KB - MD5: 2df030093c3af37541109f266f120b57
Supplementary File S1: Protocol of data processing and filtration of IgIs boreholes.
Adobe PDF - 126.4 KB - MD5: 0edfeb2366f0aa7cd887648c757df44b
Supplementary File S2: Table of 39 IgIs occurrences.
Adobe PDF - 1.7 MB - MD5: 17b3c9c4e844115b1b696b03e4f9b6b0
Full dataset - dinocyst raw counts plotted using StrataBugs program. Raw counts generated by Stefan Piasecki and Julie Margrethe Fredborg combined
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 50.9 KB - MD5: edc18c84b66fe12082d6fb6ec60760e9
Raw pollen counts generated by Linda Larsson, published in Larsson et al. 2006 and 2011 ( and
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