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3,141 to 3,150 of 4,003 Results
Jun 18, 2022 - Ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment
Box, Jason, 2022, "Greenland ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment from recent climate: data/code",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
dataverse dataset for Greenland ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment from recent climate Data and materials Paper: revised Box, Jason, 2022, "Greenland ice disequilibrium and sea-level commitment from recent climate: scripts, output data and figures v20220502 resubmission"...
Jun 17, 2022 - NAG-TEC Atlas
Spakman, W., 2014, "Mantle Tomography Model UU-P07",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
Tomographic model of Earth's mantle developed for the project.
Quicktime Video - 93.2 MB - MD5: d909a30c55ba2444d1c782099b9015f2
Map view animation going down through the mantle from 20 km to 2840 km in 20 km increments. This animation shows 6 different published models for comparison. See Chapter 10 of the Atlas for more details.
Quicktime Video - 9.1 MB - MD5: 3ab2c15144d10ae09c7d8d278b2d8ba2
Map view animation going down through the mantle from 20 km to 2840 km in 20 km increments.
Quicktime Video - 16.1 MB - MD5: 6a6a34520756ce1c5fd0dd350c9e25fa
Animation of cross sections slices for different transects oriented perpendicular to the mid-Atlantic Ridge. Sections are shown in Figure 8.3 of the Atlas.
Plain Text - 15.2 MB - MD5: cc694c2fc436682b3d564159dd1d78bc
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