Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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191 to 200 of 4,142 Results
Unknown - 5.2 KB - MD5: 96036cd65925fe127c9cfe22970e3ba3
Unknown - 1.0 MB - MD5: e180736063b6a84686d3203b58259366
Unknown - 91.7 KB - MD5: c5c5fb3863a944e460eb7704a2e3602a
Adobe PDF - 19.9 MB - MD5: fca9a64230400422fec6c82c40a50eeb
Rich Text Format - 72.3 MB - MD5: c76f0ec705efc00ea7cd28af948e85b3
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile - 137.7 KB - MD5: 7132f80a17fdde60bddf0af8609472a8
ESRI Spatial Index - 54.5 KB - MD5: 80955d068c3030cb59adef8e622230f0
Unknown - 2.4 KB - MD5: 3f872da9956af05ce3670dad7363ab0d
Shape - 154.2 KB - MD5: 161b49fd721d7a444d1414fbb3d72d2f
Shape - 44.1 KB - MD5: 76d438db47438e3978ec796f1aa04f9c
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