Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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1,571 to 1,580 of 4,469 Results
Mar 16, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
Quantec Geoscience Inc., 2003, "Magnetotelluric and DC resistivity & IP surveys on Disko and Nuussuaq, 2003, central West Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: Quantec 2003 Disko survey details. Size: 303 MB.
ZIP Archive - 303.1 MB - MD5: 03e10319ffea360d0851b0a7ebd681d4
Mar 16, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
Sander Geophysics Ltd, 1998, "Airborne magnetic Kulusuk surveys, South-East Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: Sander Geophysics Kulusuk surveys details. Size: 23 MB.
ZIP Archive - 8.6 MB - MD5: 6cb53f927608f5208cfc749bce26302a
Fixed Field Text Data - 22.9 MB - MD5: 8223508c522a79380c69632f88191ebd
Fixed Field Text Data - 3.6 MB - MD5: 076f3701ca4d5477c97fe03ce153adc9
Unknown - 66.8 KB - MD5: c84385f3df55ec8e462d26a42a120092
Fixed Field Text Data - 3.6 MB - MD5: ab900fc356520f3487b6cb9d3bbd9d60
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