Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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11 to 20 of 4,142 Results
TIFF Image - 59.3 MB - MD5: a5f4dfc6627b3c5afd85ef587c522ba1
Unknown - 40.0 KB - MD5: 22ec65ec1b79f99a7919cb52fc1b8fd6
Co-Ordinate Animation - 1.8 GB - MD5: 48bf68c37cba38c5a5f70af9e9e0f9f3
TIFF Image - 54.8 MB - MD5: 855df355828c22598506489711cff3ce
Plain Text - 210 B - MD5: 4b796e57dde79b6bad9886303edcf7f4
ZIP Archive - 488.7 MB - MD5: eb6eb76023a50b3baa2401651fccfb91
Co-Ordinate Animation - 25.4 KB - MD5: 451d2c49011feab34245ca43112bd9c9
Co-Ordinate Animation - 16.1 KB - MD5: 0e4c0300261f3c1cbcdb8497bd273f3d
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