Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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Adobe PDF - 175.4 KB - MD5: 7928afe62efb3d745719920e26df983a
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Adobe PDF - 92.3 KB - MD5: cc6b50309b5f8b12d2e225f4c48fd12f
Adobe PDF - 97.5 KB - MD5: 8d0c0e7d051e2e8f8ab21c467d863827
Adobe PDF - 109.5 KB - MD5: 262c26079ac62becf20a1dac2a367907
Adobe PDF - 149.4 KB - MD5: e398b3ded7590100e97b51aecb67dd24
Adobe PDF - 192.8 KB - MD5: 1a52f8662a4ccf9729507b66b195f26f
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