Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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2,001 to 2,010 of 4,469 Results
TIFF Image - 27.8 MB - MD5: a525e4495364e93eb16a9dae0b6e1a84
Unknown - 370 B - MD5: af1a0b55e392853e71e325febd6d9fc7
Unknown - 1.4 MB - MD5: 6b71e33430403c350ee51a788835d5a2
Unknown - 18.5 KB - MD5: 9099ef85f67a872f97e924cf4ba570db
Adobe PDF - 501.5 KB - MD5: 40642e92d3951dd1e1dbde7723b93b5d
Tab-Separated Values - 368 B - MD5: 2c741019acdfb3d36ea6d238a8a8e79e
TIFF Image - 27.8 MB - MD5: c55b482c4d71a6ffb3143a569c5c7770
Mar 16, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
SkyTEM ApS for Avannaa Logistics ApS, 2010, "Airborne magnetic survey in the north-eastern part of Disko Bay, central West Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: SkyTEM Disko Bay survey details. Size: 3.0 GB.
ZIP Archive - 3.0 GB - MD5: 64f478a479b8919baca6c430845803de
Mar 16, 2023 - Geophysical Data Sets - Greenland
SkyTEM ApS for NunaMinerals A/S, 2008, "SkyTEM time-domain electromagnetic and airborne magnetic survey on Ymer Ø, central East Greenlandal East Greenland",, GEUS Dataverse, V1
For description of data set see: SkyTEM Surveys Ymer Ø survey details. Size 1.0 GB.
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