Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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Plain Text - 237.8 MB - MD5: f8b8efb2442c2c3b801e39baad6d5841
Plain Text - 222.2 MB - MD5: d32f5147911606bda4830e9748191911
Plain Text - 605.8 KB - MD5: 855ba43976cea4ce11efb83dc4669b81
Plain Text - 20.6 MB - MD5: c1873b1092f7f8bfe3fcc5e1ef25e7cb
Plain Text - 20.6 MB - MD5: 3d5e312fa70683ae9184d212a32f6acf
Plain Text - 16.2 KB - MD5: 4482ee91c6f4b450d02180fe24c2249b
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