Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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Adobe PDF - 26.6 KB - MD5: c639fb626c09de3c1989c57c871372f4
Adobe PDF - 28.2 KB - MD5: 71d1923ac27e1cf52fd5ae34d1413f33
Adobe PDF - 23.6 KB - MD5: 3b5dd6031d9ec8478cc3ee0ea99af47a
Adobe PDF - 25.1 KB - MD5: aeacf76c06dc38af3ff0e5ed1f240781
Adobe PDF - 25.3 KB - MD5: 83f8661240c064115563498055bc9460
Adobe PDF - 130.7 KB - MD5: e6fd126b3cfa4498ab3dd9f43b260273
Adobe PDF - 121.7 KB - MD5: 16c209bb773862c5d544192f6a74713a
Adobe PDF - 99.2 KB - MD5: 31976d323e9e28d1565fc76db222830b
Adobe PDF - 135.3 KB - MD5: c80ebe242c23ed79156e5272aff898d0
Adobe PDF - 117.8 KB - MD5: 2afcebf1f436d29d60ee4078dc5f97b2
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