Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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Plain Text - 5.1 KB - MD5: 12737138b208cc4247776fa72e6c3506
Plain Text - 994 B - MD5: 35387ce06537a5fef9f89ef1929c6de3
Unknown - 106.7 MB - MD5: 20cd8f0f20520adff34070b2048cda26
Unknown - 106.7 MB - MD5: f8ab78454fe480b3ad36c91479d3c37f
Co-Ordinate Animation - 148.0 MB - MD5: 3f8cd30a94c464453e8ea3bee0c19882
Co-Ordinate Animation - 81.5 MB - MD5: 8ca175f451fd2588bc63a3eac0b5fb73
Adobe PDF - 89.2 KB - MD5: 37ab9ae906cfb1c6e51d243eb6e85c65
Unknown - 106.7 MB - MD5: abf9ab7611b9aa42021f34f2bbaa5f9c
Unknown - 106.7 MB - MD5: 6dbad02cee5e09a7677f0f6bc0c75bd8
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