Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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2,031 to 2,040 of 4,469 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 22.1 MB - MD5: aa5759140422f89d36ae9005649e1c5c
Unknown - 321.1 KB - MD5: 27d1ef4b0329c2a359be4214f08bcf2e
Co-Ordinate Animation - 726.0 KB - MD5: 68507155dfd24c220e6be0a90fa262cf
Unknown - 193.1 KB - MD5: e188afd9553ddeca7c7808ac7fc79bfb
Co-Ordinate Animation - 1009.5 KB - MD5: 6ea0a26ce04d95c145c8e5caae615c15
Unknown - 257.1 KB - MD5: c4ce2450fadda457547f4bb94e7f4fc3
Co-Ordinate Animation - 1.4 MB - MD5: e1831a971c61dddaed24b53c3687f2b0
Unknown - 193.1 KB - MD5: 236f7d9ed66f2a3c3206dcd553e02c01
Co-Ordinate Animation - 1.1 MB - MD5: eb87ffbc0bb0bb72fea10131fcbd6783
Unknown - 193.1 KB - MD5: 47052a2c9ab82099bbdb649838c6cb7b
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