Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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361 to 370 of 4,142 Results
ZIP Archive - 5.5 GB - MD5: b6aa05d82f787044295b8c7c35ab2f61
ZIP Archive - 4.0 GB - MD5: fe5e3e1c5d698226f0d5c6dd294d89c7
ZIP Archive - 6.2 GB - MD5: 87412d9a248617247663c2c700f99e1b
ZIP Archive - 6.0 GB - MD5: 2d289b92827bd05b2c4c4516a5af46e1
ZIP Archive - 3.7 GB - MD5: 9ce80a7cd6c284bc03448bed874ef1b1
Adobe PDF - 26.5 MB - MD5: 35912faae6044f193a71ccf95400b370
Adobe PDF - 19.0 MB - MD5: 7bce908f715e47ca035a5aeaa5cffc0e
ZIP Archive - 998.7 MB - MD5: 3bbc7ce7f3eea9863265fdabc865e2f0
ZIP Archive - 1.3 GB - MD5: 5b474edec33442b122a1ac4005d82b1d
Adobe PDF - 19.0 MB - MD5: 7bce908f715e47ca035a5aeaa5cffc0e
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