Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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Unknown - 9.1 MB - MD5: 24d45512722c6c731dd6c7c6332cdbfb
HTML - 73.8 KB - MD5: c7b594b31d17b12b55db638ee3e291c4
Unknown - 16.9 MB - MD5: 0c5adb57843a03c5e00cea6af9315aba
Plain Text - 674.8 KB - MD5: 5d12377cfdde873ac94598599be54c8c
Co-Ordinate Animation - 647.7 KB - MD5: 6dd7f0bc92db6372ae10bef4916b9e39
Plain Text - 406.2 KB - MD5: 2a444b1c863185bd20cad269d68fe362
Co-Ordinate Animation - 389.8 KB - MD5: b8833c96d5d5e499eb410aa7a3e4fe1c
Plain Text - 451.4 KB - MD5: 2cef4fb6abeeaabd016f7ae7148cd900
Co-Ordinate Animation - 431.0 KB - MD5: c4298d8495a749b91c9989352ad285d2
Plain Text - 335.4 KB - MD5: 828e9bd3ec6edfdc341eb20ea082f072
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