Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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511 to 520 of 4,142 Results
ZIP Archive - 48.6 MB - MD5: 3c9a43d246bbf3190fd87df528620918
ZIP Archive - 28.4 MB - MD5: 3b504308be2c39bfd96007d802964478
ZIP Archive - 48.6 MB - MD5: ea591407dbf9ed3cbaeaa2a49ba962ed
ZIP Archive - 40.9 MB - MD5: 492065311e0457f2c33a5ccb3ced041c
ZIP Archive - 567.0 MB - MD5: 9f84bf13a8d64652096069bda8b588ed
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 81.0 KB - MD5: 7633bd65ed93e80e6fd9fdde066a414a
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