Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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Adobe PDF - 461.3 KB - MD5: b566193c4c3ee7a3a4218d2c4275059d
Unknown - 64.6 KB - MD5: 4b747927815d98da32b02ea1f81d9e10
Unknown - 64.3 KB - MD5: 96eb18176842b233dc3d08275ca292c4
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JPEG Image - 5.1 MB - MD5: fb47cb3773c8b0b407e617c3ca62f3e1
Unknown - 14.1 MB - MD5: b54477afe8e24db0055ca75648ae16b9
Adobe PDF - 303.0 KB - MD5: 115eebfc36965148a6fc6183393af402
Unknown - 24.9 KB - MD5: 05ca52b214be57595e6e18a265a1c974
Unknown - 23.8 KB - MD5: 1b94abcb540c025f286fbe4cc66c8c35
Unknown - 21.9 KB - MD5: 4ad17303f7f2671060b64446da0ceb0b
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