Data sets from Greenland administered by the Geological Data Centre at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
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1,651 to 1,660 of 4,473 Results
Unknown - 603 B - MD5: 9c878e1d8fea795d12bac167e92936fb
Unknown - 511 B - MD5: 39634c6884856675d4cc01b3c387f807
Plain Text - 0 B - MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Fixed Field Text Data - 17.6 MB - MD5: 41ab5ea094d9193f95eb09b0a33882ca
Unknown - 189.2 KB - MD5: 36c41815f7898527ffaef5fc8171b908
Unknown - 7.6 MB - MD5: bc4fd5734fbb846e38cc5bfb3617b3d9
Fixed Field Text Data - 3.6 MB - MD5: 280765db4a56715d75e53bf9bb4dc9da
application/gxf - 3.6 MB - MD5: f6458aaff48763e1c0ae57a3696230dc
Unknown - 58.6 KB - MD5: 50b467fa8ee9d0a775238c3d7b53c90d
Fixed Field Text Data - 3.6 MB - MD5: 6c3c7fedbe7ea7e132446245f545024a
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